SAT® / ACT®Test Prep

KnowledgePoints SAT®/ACT® Advantages

  • Real tests for skills diagnosis
  • Detailed skills diagnosis
  • Robust skills feedback report
  • Individualized program
  • Correlated to State Standards
  • Skill lessons and quizzes targeting your child’s skill weaknesses
  • Review of key test taking strategies

We know that you have choices when it comes to test prep but we’re confident that our individualized program, online components and personal instruction will provide you with the best possible tools to succeed on the SAT® or ACT®. We understand that SAT®/ACT® scores are a critical factor in the admissions process for college. More than 1.5 million students take the SAT® and ACT® each year with hopes of getting into the college of their choice. The KnowledgePoints SAT®/ACT® Test Prep program, designed by educators, is tailored for each student to help them reach their goals and confidently send applications to their college of interest. Our program is built upon 19 years of proven results and school based experience. We utilize a comprehensive method that guides students through the test taking strategies needed to score big on the test, while also strengthening the academic skills necessary to be successful in college.

SAT®/ACT® Test Prep Program Features

Skills Based – We’ll help you develop skills to be successful in college and help you get your best score possible!

Individualized Program – Our trained and qualified instructors tailor the program to each student‘s needs based upon our diagnostic assessment results.

Real tests – Provide you a precise analysis of skill deficiencies.

  • Development of Point of View and Critical Thinking
  • Organization and focus
  • Use of language and vocabulary
  • Sentence structure variety
  • Grammar usage and mechanics

We then work to improve those areas with the use of lessons, quizzes, and strategies.

ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this program.
SAT and PSAT are registered trademarks of the College Examination Entrance Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this program.